Speed/Power Development
Evan P. DiMaggio
Furman University
Greenville, South Carolina, United States
Benjamin J. Snyder, PhD
Associate Professor
Furman University
Greenville, South Carolina, United States
Jackson King
Furman University
Greenville, South Carolina, United States
Tony Caterisano
Furman University
Greenville, South Carolina, United States
Preparation of athletes to begin a competition or enter mid-competition with the ability to reach peak performance immediately may be partly dependent on the efficacy of the warmup protocol. Previous research on flexible barbells reports significant differences in muscle activation when compared to steel barbells. The manufacturers of handheld flexible bars with a combined weight of 3.63 kg claim that using them immediately before competition helps increase power and jump height.
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to compare the effects of maximal jumping with handheld flexible bars with similarly-weighted dumbbells or no weight on jump parameters in Division-I collegiate football players. METHODS: Each participant did 5 submaximal and 5 maximal jumps with either the handheld flexible barbell, similarly weighted dumbbells, or nothing performed in a random order, after which jump variables as measured by portable force plates and EMG activity during a maximal jump were compared among the three conditions. The subjects rested a minimum of 3 minutes between high powered warmup (HPW) protocols. RESULTS: When comparing the effects of different HPW protocols, there were no differences in any jump parameters (Table 1). There was an increase in peak relative propulsive force (% BW) when ordering the jumps chronologically regardless of HPW protocol (Baseline Jump: 292.98 +/- 35.0, Jump 1: 301.78 +/- 39.8*, Jump 2: 303.11+/- 30.6*, and Jump 3: 301.34 +/- 35.1*, *p≤ 0.05, d=0.17). No differences in EMG activity of leg muscles was seen between HPW protocols.
Conclusions: There is no difference between the effects of HPW protocols on jump characteristics and no difference in muscle activity between the handheld flexible bar and dumbbells. However, there does seem to be an effect on the propulsive force, regardless of the kind of weight used, evidence of a possible post-activation p</span>erformance enhancement from maximal jumping. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: These data suggest that coaches could use maximal jumping with their athletes whether it be with a handheld flexible bar or similarly weighted dumbbells and get the same, albeit small, changes in performance.
Flexible bars were provided by the manufacturer, but authors are not employed or compensated for use of the equipment. Results of this study do not constitute and endorsement of the product by the authors or the NSCA. This research was completed with an undergraduate research grant from Furman University. Special thanks to the strength and conditioning staff for logistical support.