Endurance Training/Cardiorespiratory
Blaine S. Lints, MS, CSCS,*D
PhD Student
University of South Carolina
Bellevue, Washington, United States
Harry P. Cintineo
Assistant Professor
Lindenwood University
St. Charles, Missouri, United States
Nathaniel D. Rhoades
Master's Student
University of South Carolina
Columbia, South Carolina, United States
Alexa J. Chandler, MS, CSCS,*D (she/her/hers)
Doctoral Student
University of South Carolina
Columbia, South Carolina, United States
Gianna F. Mastrofini, MS
PhD Student
University of South Carolina
Cayce, South Carolina, United States
Emma E. Worley, MS
PhD Student
University of South Carolina
Cayce, South Carolina, United States
Bridget A. McFadden
Assistant Professor
Queen's College City University of New York
Flushing, New York, United States
Jacob Becker
Master's Student
University of South Carolina
Columbia, South Carolina, United States
Shawn M. Arent
Professor and Exercise Science Department Chair
University of South Carolina
Columbia, South Carolina, United States
Individuals with greater aerobic fitness may experience enhanced thermoregulation through a variety of mechanisms such as increased plasma volume, earlier sweating onset, and higher sweat rates. Further, inverse relationships between maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) and economy have been observed. These factors, in combination with external heat stress, may contribute to altered changes in physiological stress and hydration status between individuals of varying fitness during prolonged exercise.
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between VO2max and changes in body mass over 75 minutes of cycling in a hot environment at a power output that elicited 65%VO2max.
Sixteen healthy adults (n = 8 women, n = 8 men; MVO2max = 43.5 ± 4.9 ml/kg/min) who were able to achieve a VO2max of at least 60% of their age and gender matched normative values completed the study. On three separate days, body mass (BM) and core body temperature (CBT) were recorded before and after a 75 minute cycling bout in a heat chamber (30-32℃ and 45-50% relative humidity) at a power output corresponding to 65% of their VO2max. Pearson-product moment correlations were used to assess relationships between VO2max and mean percent changes in BM (MDBM) across the three trials, as well as between VO2max and mean percent changes in core body temperature (MDCB) and between MDCB and MDBM. An alpha level of 0.05 was used to determine statistical significance.
A significant inverse correlation between VO2max and MDBM (r = -0.86, p < 0.0001) was observed. On average, MDCB increased 3.16 ± 2.20%, but no significant relationship was found between VO2max and MDCB (r = 0.25, p = 0.35). On average, MDBM decreased 0.94% ± 0.33%, but no significant relationship was found between MDCB and MDBM (r = -0.13, p = 0.63).
The strong inverse linear relationship between VO2max and MDBM indicates that fitter individuals, as estimated by their VO2max, may be more likely to experience greater losses in BM during moderate-intensity exercise in the heat. While thermoregulatory mechanisms may play a role in these changes, we found no significant relationship between VO2max and MDCB in this study, demonstrating that a higher VO2max did not equate to improved thermoregulation. Furthermore, the absence of a significant relationship between MDCB and MDBM would imply that changes in CBT were not responsible for differences in BM changes. Subsequently, it should be considered that exercise at a workload that elicits a given percent of VO2max may lead to a greater rise in VO2 and relative stress in those with worse efficiency, which was not assessed in this study. These physiological changes may result in greater body water losses without improved thermoregulation.
Perhaps exercise intensity prescriptions based on a snapshot of an individual’s economy (e.g. fixed mechanical workloads derived from unstable physiological or internal intensities) may result in a high degree of variability in relative stress during prolonged exercise, particularly when coupled with environmental heat stress. Future research should further investigate methods of prescribing relative workloads based on capacity measurements rather than power measurements (e.g. time to exhaustion at VO2max power) during prolonged aerobic exercise and should explore the effects of these methods on changes in economy and thermal power.
Acknowledgements: None