Petr Stastny, PhD (he/him/his)
Professor at Charles University in Prague
Charles University in Prague
Prague, Hlavni mesto Praha, Czech Republic
Martin Musalek
Associate professor
Charles University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Prague, Hlavni mesto Praha, Czech Republic
Dominik Kolinger, Mgr (he/him/his)
doctoral student
Charles University in Prague
Prague, Hlavni mesto Praha, Czech Republic
Anna Pisz, MA
doctoral student
Charles University in Prague
Prague, Hlavni mesto Praha, Czech Republic
Dominik Novak, MA (he/him/his)
PhD Student
Charles University in Prague
Vestec, Hlavni mesto Praha, Czech Republic
Robert Roczniok
The Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education and Sport in Katowice
Katowice, Slaskie, Poland
The standing broad jump (SBJ) is a primary condition premise for high ice-hockey skating acceleration and speed during off-ice conditioning protocols, including the HNL draft. However, the SBJ itself might be influenced by participant anthropometry, body composition, and ability of horizontal force production, which might favor some players.
The SBJ performance correlated with 4m acceleration (r = -0.484; p = 0.001) and 30m sprint time (r = -0.452; p = 0.003), where SBJ relative horizontal impulse correlate with 30m sprint (r = 0.386; p = 0.013) and relative vertical impulse not (r = -0.155; p = 0.341) (Figure 1). Another relation of 30m skating was with femoral epicondyle wide (r = -0.384; p = 0.001) and thigh circumference (r = -0.354; p = -0.001) and body fat (r = 0.394; p =-0.001) Other relationships showed marginal or no correlations. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS: Training in horizontal strength, power, and volume is crucial for ice hockey speed development and broad jump performance, which is a very good predictor of ice-hockey skating acceleration and speed. Ice hockey conditioning coaches should use SBJ and other horizontal vector exercises to support skating performance. The thigh volume training is would support skating performance, while players should be aware of increasing body fat. Figure 1. The relationship between standing broad jump and its horizontal and vertical force performance with skating speed and acceleration.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to find out which conditioning constraints are consequently related to SBJ and skating performance.
Methods: A total of 72 ice hockey players (age 17.79 ± 0.59 years; height 179.79 ± 4.94 cm; body mass 77.93 ± 7.42 kg) from the Czech junior league were measured for full anthropometry, countermovement jump, SBJ, 30s Wingate test, on-ice 4m acceleration, 30m sprint, Illinois agility and 6 x 54m during a preseason period. The countermovement and broad jump were done on three axis force plate (Kistler, Winterthur, Switzerland), photocells (ALGE-Timing GmbH, Lustenau, Austria) were used to measure on-ice performance, and anthropometry was performed by the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry guidelines. Testing was realized in two days, where one day included all on-ice tests and the second-day off-ice tests. The Pearson correlation coefficient was used to find out the relationships between all performances.
Conclusion: The ability to produce quick horizontal force (impulse) is the determinant of long jump and on-ice skating performance, where this ability is supported by thigh mass volume and femoral epicondyle wide. The fat percentage decreases on-ice and broad jump performance, and vertical impulse does not significantly influence skating performance.
Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the Cooperatio Program, research area Sport Sciences – Biomedical & Rehabilitation Medicine and UNCE/HUM/032 at Charles University. Works was done at laboratory of Human Adaptation at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Prague.