Body Composition
Andy M. Bosak, PhD, CSCS, *D, CEP-ACSM
Director and Professor of Graduate Exercise Science Programs
Liberty University
Lynchburg, Virginia, United States
Hannah Nelson, MS, CSCS
University of Mississippi
University, Mississippi, United States
Russell K. Lowell, MS
Graduate Assistant
Mississippi State University
Starkville, Mississippi, United States
Branden Ziebell
Former Graduate Assistant
Liberty University
Lynchburg, Virginia, United States
Previous studies have evaluated the impact of body fat% on aerobic performance, yet a further comprehension of the relationship between body composition and running performance may assist in the development of future VO2max treadmill protocols. Despite a prior study assessing the relationship between body fat percentage (BF), body mass index (BMI), height (HT), and weight (WT), on skiing ergometry VO2peak values in female subjects, this assessment protocol has not occurred with treadmill running performance using a similar population.
Purpose: To analyze the relationship between BF%, BMI, WT, and HT on VO2max values in no less than averagely fit collegiate females during a treadmill graded exercise test (GXT).
Methods: Twenty-two collegiate females had their BF%, BMI, WT, and HT assessed and age was recorded. Subjects then completed a treadmill (TM) GXT protocol where the subjects ran to the point of volitional exhaustion. Pearson Correlations were then performed between BF, BMI, WT, HT, and VO2max with significance differences determined at p <u>< 0.05.
Results: Mean values were 43.83 + 4.75 ml/kg/min (VO2max), 24.66 + 6.34 (BF), 23.36 + 2.67 (BMI), 64.54 + 7.05 kg (WT), and 165.39 + 6.50 cm (HT). A significant moderately high negative correlation existed between VO2max and BF (r = -0.697, p = 0.001). A non-significant low negative correlation existed between VO2max and 1) BMI (r = -0.292, p = 0.094); and 2) WT (r = -0.243, p = 0.138). No relationship occurred between VO2max and HT (r = 0.073, p = 0.373).
Conclusions: BF% had a moderately high correlation with TM VO2max, while BMI and WT appear to have a low negative relationship with VO2 values during a TM GXT in collegiate females. HT does not appear to have a relationship with TM GXT VO2max values. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS: Despite having a moderately high relationship, having a lower BF% does not necessarily suggest that a higher aerobic performance will always occur in no less than above averagely fit collegiate females during a TM GXT. Still, having a lower BF% and being leaner appears to suggest that a higher VO2max may be possible to obtain during a TM GXT. Further research may be required to determine what role gender, fitness level, or a different type of BF% measurement technique may play when considering the type of relationship that BF%, BMI, HT, and WT potentially have with treadmill aerobic performance.
Acknowledgements: None