Research Physiologist
US Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine
Dr. Looney is a research physiologist for the Military Performance Division at the US Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine (USARIEM). His research interests include exercise metabolism, fatigue, resistance training, wearable technologies, and human performance optimization. Dr. Looney’s recent projects include metabolic modeling of military load carriage, core body and extremity skin temperature responses to hot and cold exposure, and real-time physiological status monitoring. Dr. Looney achieved his bachelor’s degree at the University of New Hampshire in Nutritional Sciences-Dietetics and played defensive end for the football team. He completed his master’s degree and PhD at the University of Connecticut in Exercise Science where he also taught anatomy & physiology labs, biology labs, and fundamentals of resistance training. Dr. Looney has trained adolescents, college adults, adults, and senior citizens as a NSCA certified strength and conditioning specialist.