Speed/Power Development
Jan Petružela, MA
Academic lecturer, Ph.D student
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Charles University
Praha, Hlavni mesto Praha, Czech Republic
Petr Stastny, PhD (he/him/his)
Professor at Charles University in Prague
Charles University in Prague
Prague, Hlavni mesto Praha, Czech Republic
Key factors in team handball are handball throw and agility, which are regularly tested as condition assumptions.
Purpose: The aim of this research is to find out what is the relationship between the individual assumptions of game premises on specific activities of handball players. This article focuses on the demands of condition premises in handball and their relationship to specific activities such as throw speed and agility.
Methods: Thirty-nine participants aged 15.54 ± 0.79 took part in the measurement of body height, body mass, sprint 10, sprint 30, T-test, throwing velocity, broad jump, broad jump single leg, CMJ, mid-thigh pull isometric peak force, isokinetic internal and external rotator muscle peak torque in concentric action at 60°/s and 180°/s.
Results: Handball throwing velocity showed very strong correlation with body mass (r = 0.735), mid-thigh pull isometric (r = 0.714), shoulder isokinetic at 180°/s (r = 0.730), strong correlation with handball throwing velocity showed sprint 30 (r = 0.592) and shoulder isokinetic at 60°/s (r = 0.63). Agility T-test showed strong correlation with right leg broad jump (r = 0.589) and left leg broad jump (r = 0.645). Backward and stepwise regression analysis determine the best predictor model for handball throwing velocity: sprint 30 (Beta = -0.236, p = 0.003), mid-thigh peak force/body mass (Beta = -0.367, p = < 0.001), mid-thigh peak force (Beta = 0.686, p = 0.005), shoulder isokinetic 180°/s (Beta = 0.3, p = 0.027). When all independent variables entered to the model for regression was statistically significant, F = 25.905, p < 0.001, R2 = 0.735. Broad jump left was identified as the sole predictor variable for agility T-test in the stepwise model (Beta = -0.645, p < 0.001, R2 = 0.416).
Conclusions: Sprint 30m, the ratio of isometric peak force of mid-thigh pull force to body weight, isometric peak force of mid-thigh pull, and shoulder isokinetics at 180°/s are most affected by ball throwing speed and for the agility t-test, the broad jump from the left leg appears to be the most influential. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: These findings suggest that sprinting, maximal strength development, arm strengthening, and single leg broad jumps should be incorporated in handball training programmes because they show the greatest influence on specific actions in handball.
Acknowledgements: Cooperatio Research area SPOB