Body Composition
Clayton Nicks, PhD
Chair, Department of Kinesiology & Health Sciences; Professor of Exercise Science
Columbus State University
Columbus, Georgia, United States
Brian Tyo
Professor of Exercise Science
Columbus State University
Columbus, Georgia, United States
Kate Early
Associate Professor of Exercise Science
Columbus State University
Columbus, Georgia, United States
Exercise prior to measuring body composition using air-displacement plethysmography (ADP) is contraindicated. Research has shown that exercise decreases body fat percentage (BF%) measurement immediately post-exercise. It is unclear when the effect of exercise on the BF% measurement subsides or how different exercise modalities may impact BF% measurements.
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to determine how moderate intensity exercise using different modalities impacts BF% using ADP.
Methods: Fourteen female adults (age = 33 ± 11.4 yr; height = 164.5 ± 6.0 cm; mass = 69.1 ± 14.5) volunteered to participate in the study. In random order, participants visited the laboratory on four occasions that included three exercise and one non-exercise condition. Subjects completed a 30-minute moderate exercise bout (45 to 55% HHR) using either treadmill (TR), cycle ergometer (CE), or arm ergometer (AE). BF% using ADP was measured immediately prior to exercise (PRE) as well as immediately post (IP), post-15 minutes (P15), post-30 minutes (P30), post-45 minutes (P45), and post-60 minutes (P60). The control (C) condition included 30 minutes of rest in lieu of exercise along with the other pre and post measures.
Results: No differences were found among any of the PRE measurements across all conditions (avg BF% = 28.5 ± 0.5%). BF% dropped from PRE to IP by ~1.9% among TR, CE, and AE; however, only TR & CE significantly declined (p < 0.05). BF% did not significantly change in the control condition across time (p > 0.05). There were no significant differences between PRE and P30, P45, and P60 in any of the modalities.
Conclusions: Results demonstrate moderate intensity TR and CE significantly lower BF% measurements from ADP immediately upon completion of the exercise bout. The decrease in BF% is temporary and measurements observed at P15, P30, P45, and P60 were not statistically different than pre-exercise measurements.
Practical Applications: Results of the study can be used by practitioners using ADP to measure BF%. While exercise is a contraindication to BF% testing, it does not appear to be a limiting factor. However, clinical relevance of the setting should be taken under consideration.
Acknowledgements: None