Professor at Charles University in Prague
Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
Petr Stastny is a strength and conditioning coach, associate professor, and lecturer of Fitness and Bodybuilding trainer school in the Department of Sport, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Charles University in Prague.
Expert in developing strength training methods and research in ice-hockey field applied biomechanics in ice hockey, and forensic expertise in sports.
He is a leader of the Laboratory of Extreme Loading, Biomedical Laboratory, and Laboratory of Human Adaptation at Charles University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport. This laboratory secures the conditioning testing for ice hockey national teams and youth ice hockey academies, experimental projects in physiology, and biomechanics.
He has published over 100 peer review papers focused on the innovation of strength training methods and supervised more than 80 students with their own research, where most of them are using their methods in resistance training practice.