- S
Saenz, Catherine
College of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University, OH, USA
Catherine Saenz
Catherine Saenz
Catherine Saenz
Catherine Saenz
Catherine Saenz
Catherine Saenz
Sahoo, Prakash
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Prakash Sahoo
Saine, Noelle
George Mason University
Noelle Saine
Salamh, Paul
University of Indianapolis
Paul Salamh
Salem, George
University of Southern California
George Salem
George Salem
George Salem
Salmon, Owen
Baylor University
Owen Salmon
Owen Salmon
Owen Salmon
Owen Salmon
San Diego, Lauren
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Lauren San Diego
Sanchez, Krissy
California State University, Fullerton
Krissy Sanchez
Krissy Sanchez
Sanders, David
Loyola University Chicago
David Sanders
David Sanders
David Sanders
Santee, William
US Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine
William Santee
William Santee
Santos, Carolina
University of Central Florida
Carolina Santos
Santos, Paulo
Faculdade de Motricidade Humana - Universidade de Lisboa
Paulo Santos
Paulo Santos
Santos, Vanessa
ICPOL Research Center, Higher Institute of Police Sciences and Homeland Security
Vanessa Santos
Vanessa Santos
Sapa, Matteo
Atalanta Training Lab - Atalanta Calcio
Matteo Sapa
Sax van der Weyden, Megan
George Mason University
Megan Sax van der Weyden
Megan Sax van der Weyden
Megan Sax van der Weyden
Megan Sax van der Weyden
Megan Sax van der Weyden
Megan Sax van der Weyden
Schafer, Erica
US Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine
Erica Schafer
Erica Schafer
Schedlbauer, Ryan
Carroll University
Ryan Schedlbauer
Schmidt, Josh
Denver South Metro Fire
Josh Schmidt
Schmidt, Richard
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Richard Schmidt
Richard Schmidt
Richard Schmidt
Richard Schmidt
Richard Schmidt
Richard Schmidt
Schmitt, Kiana
Creighton University
Kiana Schmitt
Schmitt, Rachel
University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
Rachel Schmitt
Rachel Schmitt
Schmitz, Amber
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Amber Schmitz
Schoenfeld, Brad
CUNY Lehman College, New York - USA
Brad Schoenfeld
Schoffstall, Jim
Liberty University
Jim Schoffstall
Schroeder, Zach
Morningside University
Zach Schroeder
Zach Schroeder
Zach Schroeder
Zach Schroeder
Schumacher, Balea
The Ohio State University
Balea Schumacher
Balea Schumacher
Schwarz, Neil
University of South Alabama
Neil Schwarz
Neil Schwarz
Schwendinger, Katey
IMG Academy
Katey Schwendinger
Scott, Parker
University of Saskatchewan
Parker Scott
Parker Scott
Sealey, Dayton
University of Nebraska at Kearney
Dayton Sealey
Dayton Sealey
Secomb, Josh
University of Newcastle
Josh Secomb
Segovia, Matt
Baylor University
Matt Segovia
Matt Segovia
Matt Segovia
Matt Segovia
Sehmer, Madison
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison Sehmer
Seidi, Morteza
The University of Texas at San Antonio
Morteza Seidi
Seidlik, Jacob
Creighton University
Jacob Seidlik
Sekiguchi, Yasuki
Texas Tech University
Yasuki Sekiguchi
Yasuki Sekiguchi
Yasuki Sekiguchi
Yasuki Sekiguchi
Sekine, Yuta
Teikyo Heisei University
Yuta Sekine
Yuta Sekine
Sell, Katie
Hofstra University
Katie Sell
Shah, Jui
Sacred Heart University
Jui Shah
Shah, Pooja
University of Houston - Clear Lake
Pooja Shah
Shattock, Kevin
GSAL / Leeds Beckett
Kevin Shattock
Kevin Shattock
Sheetz, Colton
Colton Sheetz
Sheldon, Daniel
University of Central Flordia
Daniel Sheldon
Shelton, Andrew
Azusa Pacific University
Andrew Shelton
Sherriff, Thomas
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Thomas Sherriff
Shimokochi, Yohei
Osaka University of Health and Sport Sciences
Yohei Shimokochi
Shinchi, Kotaro
Japan Insttute of Sports Sciences
Kotaro Shinchi
Shoemaker, Marni
South Dakota State University
Marni Shoemaker
Marni Shoemaker
Shook, Robin
The University of Kansas- School of Medicine
Robin Shook
Robin Shook
Siedlik, Jacob
Creighton Univesity
Jacob Siedlik
Jacob Siedlik
Jacob Siedlik
Sievert, Zachary
Old Dominion University
Zachary Sievert
Signorile, Joseph
University of Miami
Joseph Signorile
Joseph Signorile
Joseph Signorile
Sikdar, Siddhartha
George Mason University
Siddhartha Sikdar
Simms, Anton
Texas Tech University
Anton Simms
Anton Simms
Singh, Vishesh
Louisiana Tech University
Vishesh Singh
Sisneros, Kayla
Texas Tech University
Kayla Sisneros
Slivka, Dustin
University of Montana
Dustin Slivka
Smith, Caitlin
University of Miami
Caitlin Smith
Caitlin Smith
Smith, Carly
The Ohio State University
Carly Smith
Smith, Cory
Baylor University
Cory Smith
Cory Smith
Cory Smith
Cory Smith
Smith, J. Chadwick
Coastal Carolina University
J. Chadwick Smith
Smith, JohnEric
Mississippi State University
JohnEric Smith
Smith, Lindsey
Lindenwood Univeristy
Lindsey Smith
Smith, Robert
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Robert Smith
Robert Smith
Robert Smith
Robert Smith
Robert Smith
Robert Smith
Smith, Roger
Strong Lab, 711 Human Performance Wing, Air Force Research Laboratory
Roger Smith
Smith-Ryan, Abbie
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Abbie Smith-Ryan
Abbie Smith-Ryan
Abbie Smith-Ryan
Smtih, Kimberly
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Kimberly Smtih
Kimberly Smtih
Kimberly Smtih
Snyder, Benjamin
Furman University
Benjamin Snyder
Sobolewski, Eric
Furman University
Eric Sobolewski
Eric Sobolewski
Eric Sobolewski
Eric Sobolewski
Eric Sobolewski
Solis, John
University of South Florida
John Solis
Sommerfield, Lesley
IMG Academy
Lesley Sommerfield
Sontag, Stephanie
Oklahoma State University
Stephanie Sontag
Soto, Bella
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
Bella Soto
Soucie, Evangeline
University of North Carolina Rex Cancer Center
Evangeline Soucie
Evangeline Soucie
Soucy, Hope
US Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine
Hope Soucy
Hope Soucy
Southall, Kathryn
Texas Tech University
Kathryn Southall
Kathryn Southall
Sowinski, Ryan
Texas A&M University
Ryan Sowinski
Spaniol, Frank
Department of Kinesiology, Texas A&M-Corpus Christi
Frank Spaniol
Frank Spaniol
Spokely, Nicholas
Oklahoma State University
Nicholas Spokely
Spradley, Brandon
United States Sports Academy
Brandon Spradley
Squillante, Antonio
University of Southern California
Antonio Squillante
Stacchiotti, Michael
University of Pittsburgh
Michael Stacchiotti
Staheli, Noah
Southern Utah University
Noah Staheli
Staley, John
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
John Staley
Staples, Christopher
Exercise Science and Sport Management, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, Georgia
Christopher Staples
Christopher Staples
Christopher Staples
Christopher Staples
Christopher Staples
Stastny, Petr
Charles University in Prague
Petr Stastny
Petr Stastny
Petr Stastny
Petr Stastny
Petr Stastny
Sterner, Danielle
University of Central Florida
Danielle Sterner
Stock, Matt
University of Central Florida
Matt Stock
Matt Stock
Stock, Shane
University of Nebraska at Kearney
Shane Stock
Stoffel, Devon
Creighton University
Devon Stoffel
Stone, Margaret
East Tennessee State University
Margaret Stone
Stone, Michael
East Tennessee State University
Michael Stone
Michael Stone
Michael Stone
Stoner, Justen
The Ohio State University
Justen Stoner
Stone, Whitley
Western Kentucky University
Whitley Stone
Whitley Stone
Stors, Amanda
University of Rhode Island
Amanda Stors
Stout, Jeffrey
University of Central Florida
Jeffrey Stout
Jeffrey Stout
Strang, Adam
Strong Lab, 711 Human Performance Wing, Air Force Research Laboratory
Adam Strang
Strange, David
University of South Alabama
David Strange
Stranieri, Andrew
George Washington University
Andrew Stranieri
Stratton, Matthew
University of South Alabama
Matthew Stratton
Stuart, Andrew
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Andrew Stuart
Succi, Pasquale
University of Kentucky
Pasquale Succi
Pasquale Succi
Pasquale Succi
Pasquale Succi
Pasquale Succi
Pasquale Succi
Suchomel, Timothy
Carroll University
Timothy Suchomel
Timothy Suchomel
Timothy Suchomel
Timothy Suchomel
Timothy Suchomel
Timothy Suchomel
Timothy Suchomel
Timothy Suchomel
Timothy Suchomel
Timothy Suchomel
Timothy Suchomel
Timothy Suchomel
Timothy Suchomel
Timothy Suchomel
Timothy Suchomel
Timothy Suchomel
Timothy Suchomel
Sullivan, Katherine
University of Alabama
Katherine Sullivan
Katherine Sullivan
Sulonen, Mari
University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Mari Sulonen
Summerville, Bryce
The University of Texas at San Antonio
Bryce Summerville
Sunderland, Kyle
Lindenwood University
Kyle Sunderland
Kyle Sunderland
Sundh, Adam
Chicago Bears
Adam Sundh
Adam Sundh
Adam Sundh
Adam Sundh
Adam Sundh
Adam Sundh
Adam Sundh
Adam Sundh
Adam Sundh
Sung, Jonghun
Inha University
Jonghun Sung
Sutherland, Chad
University of Windsor
Chad Sutherland
Sutton, Paige
Lindenwood Univeristy
Paige Sutton
Swafford, Isabella
The University of Texas at San Antonio
Isabella Swafford
Szymanski, David
Louisiana Tech University
David Szymanski
David Szymanski
David Szymanski
David Szymanski
Szymanski, Jessica
Louisiana Tech University
Jessica Szymanski
Jessica Szymanski
Jessica Szymanski