Andy Waldhelm, PT, PhD, CSCS
Associate Professor
South College
Mobile, Alabama, United States
Eddie Austin
Research Physical Therapist
Ochsner Health System
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States
Stephanie Kanine
Adjunct Professor
South College
Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
Mareli Klopper
Adjunct Professor
South College
Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
Ron Masri
Physical Therapist
Total Motion Physical Therapy
Blacksburg, Virginia, United States
Upper extremity injuries are common in overhead sports such as softball and baseball. The closed kinetic chain upper extremity stability test (CKCUEST) is a simple test used to assess shoulder stability and muscular endurance while assisting in determining if an athlete is safe to return to sport. Unfortunately, the hand starting position of the CKCUEST is not individualized and the results do not provide information on limb asymmetries.
Purpose: The aim of this study is to determine the test-retest reliability of a new single arm CKCUEST. Measurement of the participant’s arm length customizes this test to each individual participant. Since the test is performed with one arm at a time, limb symmetry can be determined.
Methods: Twelve healthy, young (three females, mean age 23.6) individuals provided verbal and written consent to participate in the study. Participants started in the push up position with feet shoulder width apart and thumbs placed parallel at a distance equal to the arm length of the participant’s dominant arm. Participants were instructed to keep one hand stable (testing arm) and use the other hand to reach across their body, touch the opposing hand then returning to the starting position (marked with athletic tape). The participants performed the movement as quickly as possible for 15 seconds, each time returning to the starting position counting as a touch. Touches were not counted if the participant: 1.) did not touch the testing hand, 2.) did not return to the starting position and/or 3.) moved their feet from shoulder width apart. Each participant performed one practice trial and three test trials with each hand, alternating hands between each trial. A one-minute rest period was provided between trials and the average number of touches for the three trials was used for analysis. Interclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC(3,1)) were used to determine test-retest reliability.
Results: Test-retest reliability was excellent with ICC=.942 for the dominant arm and ICC=.966 for the non-dominant arm.
Conclusion: Results indicate the new single arm CKCUEST, which is individualized by arm length and provides a limb symmetry measurement, is very reliable among healthy young adults. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: The new single CKCUEST has proven to be a reliable measurement. However, more research is needed to determine if it can be used to identify individuals at risk for injury and/or determine safe return to sport following an upper extremity injury.
Acknowledgements: None